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Paleo Diet

Paleo diet is a dietary plan based on foods of Paleolithic age! A paleo diet typically includes lean meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds — foods that in the past could be obtained by hunting and gathering. ✔️Fruits ✔️Vegetables ✔️Nuts and oilseeds ✔️ lean meat ✔️fish especially rich in omega 3 fatty acids ❎Grains, such as wheat, oats and barley ❎Legumes, such as beans, lentils, peanuts and peas ❎Dairy products ❎Refined sugar ❎Salt ❎Processed foods Paleo diet helps: ✔️weight loss ✔️Improved glucose tolerance ✔️Controls blood pressure ✔️Lowers serum triglycerides levels ✔️Helps in appetite management The possible side effects of the paleo diet are: ❎Hypoglycemia if on glucose-lowering medicines ❎Food cravings ❎Lack of energy initially ❎Mood changes ❎Bad breath ❎Change in bowel habits